Dreamco Game Club

Play Free Games
The Dreamco Game Club allows you to play games in the real world and the digital one.

How It Works
Each month we post a new game for you to play and give you several options for how to play it.

Try It Out
Once you sign up for our free service, you can try our first game: Flip ‘N’ Skip. The game is like a cross between Checkers and Othello. There are several different ways to play. You can:

  1. Download. Download our “Print and Play” copy, print it on your printer, cut out the pieces, and start playing!
  2. Make Your Own. Use items you have around the house (or pick up a few things at the store) to assemble the pieces
  3. Play with Tabletop Simulator. Use the Tabletop Simulator software to play a version in the Steam Workshop at any time (for people who own the TTS software or are willing to purchase it)
  4. Play with Tabletop Club. Use the free Tabletop Club software to play an online version of the game with us at a scheduled time

Ready to take the plunge? Sign up for free below and we’ll send you everything you need to start playing.*

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*Please note that we will not spam you or rent or sell your email address.